Tae stands for kick or smash with the foot.
Kwon means to punch or destroy with the hand or fist,
Do means the ‘ way ‘.
The average person uses only 10 to 20 percent of his potential. Anyone, whether big or small can condition himself to use 100 percent of their potential.
Every force has an equal and opposite force. If your opponent runs towards you fast, and you strike his head, the force that you strike his head would be that of his own weight plus your punch. Another reaction force is your own. A punch with the right fist is aided by pulling back the left fist to the hip.
By applying the impact force onto the smallest target area, it will concentrate the force and therefore, increase its effect. For example, the force of water coming out of a water hose is greater if you put your finger over the end.
By keeping the body, well balanced, a blow is more effective and deadly.
One breath is required for one movement with the exception of a continuous motion.
The maximum force is obtained from maximum body weight and speed.
Speed is the most essential factor of power. Scientifically force equals mass multiplied by acceleration.
There are variations on the down-up-down sinewave motion; these are related to the movement, combination, and speed of the techniques used.
The ITF Patterns (teul) exhibit five different “motions” that are part of the Sine Wave approach:
Normal motion (1-1-1) – one full sinewave is completed during each breath. This is the normal method of movement and is assumed in patterns and exercises unless another is specified. It is therefore first used in the beginner exercises Saju-Jirugi and Saju-Makgi and the pattern Chon-Ji
Continuous motion (2-2-1) – two sinewaves during one breath, as part of two consecutive movements. This is seen in the low block/rising block movements in Dan-Gun for example.
Fast motion (2-2-2) – two movements are performed consecutively in fast speed, with two sinewave and two breaths. This is seen in the double punch in Do-San for example
Connecting motion (2-1-1) – two movements are performed in one sinewave and one breath. An example of this is the hooking palm block/punch movements in Yul-Gok.
Slow motion (1-1-1) – the movement is performed slowly, but according to the theory of power there has to be a slight acceleration at the end of the movement. There is one (slow) movement, one sinewave, in one breath. Slow motion techniques are meant to teach the student body control and balance. This is seen for example in the angle punch in Joong-Gun.